As the soil is hard, rocky, less of humidity and the crops are threaten by monkeys, there is a necesity to grow plantation that can stand toward the condition. Therefore, the adaptive farm is needed.
The adaptive farm requires plantations that are able to adapt the changing climate but edible, they are nutritious, can be found locally, they can be sold (post productions) and they can be used for local needs (ceremony)
Plantations that are developed in the farm.
a. Moringa Tree (Super Food).
Moringe (Kelor) is still considered under-estimated plant for several people. In Nusa Penida for instance, Kelor (Moringa) is considered an herb to cleanse the stomach or just a basic normal diet only. Community do not know yet the benefit of Moringa. Moringa has its fame after being proclaimed as super food by FAO-UN because it has abundant benefits. One of many benefits that it can offer is to adapt the climate crisis. The tree itself can absorb carbon and channeling it to the soil to store which can prove the quality of the soil. In addition to that, the leaf itself has a lot of nutritious elements that humans needs. The flower and its seed can be modified into natural herbs as a supplement for health. In the case monkey attacks, Moringa has been long obesrved free from the attack.
This project will focus on planting Moringa to fill the dry soil and then making the element of the trees to benefit the community such Moringa products to help community's optional food supply and business. It is expected that at the end of the project community will learn that this underrated tree is an alternatif solution to meet their basic needs and also can play a role to mitigate the issue of climate crisis.
b. Dragon Fruit.
Dragon fruits is known for their ability to survive at dry land. It has nutrious facts that benefitable for humans. The fruit and the trunk can be modified into raw food material to replace flour also mixed with other edible material to support food for families and community. It has been monitored so far that monkeys do not pick dargon fruits. This project will initiate the use of dragon fruit to support community capacity in planting and managing the products.
c. Sandat Flower.
Sandat flower is a very important local plant for Balinesse because its flower often used by community as an offering (praying). This plant can survive harsh drought. The flower itself can be proccesed into oil and perfume with a fantastic price. This project will initiate community to plant it and managing the product.
d. Inca Nut (Sanca Ichi).
This is a less known commodity but very important in the case of strenghening food and economic security. Inca Nut is rich with Omega 3 that can support community health as well the essential oil to replace cooking oil. The plant can also adapt harsh drought. This project will encourage community to plant and manage the product.
e. Spices.
Spices are common in Nusa Penida. This project will initiate planting spices as source of local ingredients for medication and herb to modify with existing product in Nusa Penida to combine.
f. Local fruits and Trees.
Local fruits will be planted to add the diversity of local fruits that are dissappearing the Nusa Penida as a result of human exploitation. The dissapearing of local fruit can trigger monkey to infest community crops because the source of monkey's food is declining. This project will initiate planting the local fruits in the border of monkey territory to restore food access.