The concept of program development in Nusa Penida, especially in Tanglad Village, prioritizes the approach of education, development and synergy to overcome the problems that occur within the affected community.
The Concept.
As seen on the chart, issues that are occuring in Nusa Penida has been identified with the island's characteristic but worsened with latest impact of climate crisis. Water has become difficult to obtain independently but purchasing and monkeys become pests that infesting the crops. Those problems created series of issues such as people's reluctancy to grow crops, low quality of agricultural product, decreasing of soil quality, soil damage and crops damage. The composition of issues decreased both food and economy security.
Activities to carry on in order to reduce the impact.
1. Disemination of information.
2. Lobbying.
3. Campaign.
4. Managing the low impact agriculture.
5. Diversification of crops.
6. Land and soil restoration.
7. Pest diversion initiations.
8. Creating income for community.
9. Participation of women.
10. Non desctructive business.
As water is important too! this project will obtain the map of underground water using geo-electrics mapping method in order to get the image of underground map to provide information to the community. Also, the lobby with villlage adminstration will be conducted to mitigate the issue.