In September 2021, the Research Team from LPPM Pattimura University led by Dr. Yusthinus T. Male together with Kedai Masyarakat Foundation Team initiated research to assess the mercury residue in the residents of Buru Regency, namely Masarete Village, Kaki Air Village, Sanleko Village, Nametek, Namlea City, Tifu Village and Ambon Island as a comparison site for the purpose of database support. After several stages of laboratory testing at Gajah Mada University, the contamination level has been determined. The numbers which are the academic data result through a standard proper sequence in research. The level of contamination in Human hair is high and considered abnormal due to the Indonesia National Standard (SNI) that limits the level under 1 PPM.
1. To discover the contamination level of Mercury (HG) in Human being through hair test.
2. To offer glimpses about the map of contamination of Mercury (HG) in order to provide responsible and trustworthy database.
3. As reference for stakeholders in taking strategic steps to deal with research results to mitigate.
1. Residents in Buru Island and in Ambon Island.
2. Non-residents in Buru Island.
3. The age ranges from 20-60 years old.
4. The candidates have lived on Buru Island before and after the operation of illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea.
5. The candidates lived in Buru Island after the illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea closed.
6. The candidates never live on Buru Island.
7. The candidates consumed the fish in Buru Island's water territory before and after the operation of illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea.
8. The candidates consumed the fish in Buru Island after the illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea closed.
9. The candidates never consume fish in Buru Island's water territory.
10. The candidates consumed vegetables and fruits in Buru Island's water territory before and after the operation of illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea.
11. The candidates consumed vegetables and fruits in Buru Island after the illegal gold mining in Gunung Botak and Gogrea closed.
12. The candidates never consume vegetables and fruits in Buru Island.
13. The candidates worked as miner at Illegal gold mining site before.
14. The candidates never work as miners at illegal gold mining sites.
15. The candidates residing in ex-trommel drum and consuming vegetables/fruit that grow there.
1. The level of Mercury (HG) in Human is limited to 1 PPM (SNI)
2. In Buru Island, the samples from all villages show that the Mercury (HG) contamination level is higher than 1 PPM.
3. In Ambon Island, there is sample that shows the contamination level is above 1 PPM.
4. In the village of Masarete, Kaki Air and Sanleko in the bay of Kaiely and Namlea shows that level of contamination is significant even considered high in Kaki Air and Sanleko.
5. In Nametek, the level of contamination is very high (dangerous).
6. In the city of Namlea, the level of contamination is above 1 PPM although the sample is not resident of Namlea and recently active in Buru Island in 2019 after illegal mining closed. Sample never worked at an illegal mining site.
7. The level of contamination in Tifu village is high.
8. Samples that are residents of Kaielly village show the level of contamination is above 1 PPM. Samples have worked in the illegal mining site since the opening.
Click to enlarge the image.
1. There is a necessity to conduct large scale research by the regency administration of Buru to acknowledge the exposure of Mercury (HG) to the community, especially for those who reside in the villages near the illegal mining site and the bay of Kaiely.
2. There is a necessity to conduct large scale research by the regency administration of Buru to acknowledge the exposure of Mercury (HG) to the food sources (vegetables, fruits, fishes and cattle) in the affected villages.
3. There is a necessity to take strategic steps to continue mitigating Mercury exposure and the recovery.
4. There is a necessity to conduct the mitigation in order to anticipate degenerative disease (Minamata Disease) when community experience the syndrome in the near future.
5. There is a necessity to take actions based on practical law and human rights toward the contamination of Mercury to the community.
6. Recover the economy due to the deterioration of illegal mining effect.
7. There is a necessity to re-evaluate natural resources in the regency of Buru to be developed as alternatives besides gold mining.
Leonardo F. Sahuburua